Why Mental Health needs our attention
Depression is the second leading cause of death all around the world
Susan Wilkinson/unsplash
While it seems daunting but true that Depression is the second leading cause of death in the world. In the age bracket of 18-25, there is a death every hour due to anxiety and depression. In the USA, every 1 out of 10 individuals reported suffering from depression. we often come across the news of someone taking his life. It tells us the measure of the need for mental health awareness. Despite the alarming situation, we are not taking measures to coop up with this outbreak.
Engin akyurt/unsplash
What is depression
Depression is a constant feeling of sadness, irritation, lethargy, and aloofness. Depression is a cycle that is exempt to cease. In depression, you keep on dwelling upon negative thoughts.
In simple words, anxiety started peeping when everything happens the way you wanted but it doesn’t feel good at all. Life seems meaningless. when these conditions are prolonged, causes depression.
We feel depressed , when we suppress ourselves long enough. Jim carry once said about depression that
Depression is your body saying, I don’t want to be this character anymore. I don’t want to hold up this avatar that you’ve created in this world. Its too much for me,” he also adds you should think of the word depression as deep rest.
we are aware of the physical health issues, we go for regular checkups from time to time. But when we are not feeling mentally well. we hide it and try to deal with it on our own. We don’t give due respect to our mental health. Here are 9 root causes of depression.
9 root causes of depression
Aubree herrick/unsplash
- Sometimes the main cause of depression is a slight chemical change in your brain which can be controlled by the prescription of a daily dose tablet.
- Another cause of mental health issues is your DNA. It can be hereditary. For that, you have to make few lifestyle changes to take control of your health.
- Environment in which you grow and flourish also play a huge role in your physical, mental and emotional health.
- Bad lifestyle habits can be huge threat to your physical, mental and emotional health. If you don’t have fix bed timing. Biological clock of your body gets messed up . It disturbs the normal functioning of your body.
- Nowadays children are also developing mental health issues due to excessive use of screen. Children should use screens in specific time under strict supervision .
- The weak family system plays a role in imbalanced mental health. Children of broken families are at huge risk to go down on narrow roads.
- In the time of digital era and exposure .we need to talk about mental health more than ever .we lack human exposure and connection due to adverse indulgence of social media sites. Instead of real and meaningful relations we make superficial connections .
- The undue use of social media is another cause of massive mental health dilemmas. The urge and wanting to be liked and reposted by someone whom you don’t know personally. This constant need for validation and to be appreciated badly impact our sciatic state.
- The Cliché you are what you eat is kind of scientifically proven. The food you eat can help you relieve the illness, but if you don’t eat the way you should. Situation can go wrong more than you think.
3 Effects of mental health
on life
Ksenia Makagonova/unsplash
- Overstimulation of your brain can make you suicidal. Mental health issues abandon your performance and growth in life.Depression and anxiety are the leading cause of disability in the world.
- As the anxiety increase, the ability to remember things declined drastically. Anxiety and depression deteriorate the quality of your life. According to World Health Organization, depression is the main cause of disability.
Mental health can shorten your life by 10 to 15years.
According to Who(world health organization) Women are twice likely to be depressed as men.
3. Depression influence badly our
your relationships. Anxiety and depression affect your natural abilities to be sensitive to others. Anxiety damages your compassion.
3 ways to manage depression
It’s not easy to live with anxiety and depression. Here are 3 ways to manage anxiety.
Sammie Chaffin/unsplash
1. Book a consultation session with a therapist
If you are feeling overwhelmed with anxiety and sadness. Sharing your feelings with your therapist can help deal with them more effectively. Taking medicines according to the consultation of your doctor is beneficial as well. Consult a psychiatrist specifically related to your issue and has some prior experience of dealing with the subject.
2. Identify your trigger point
Brett Jordan/unsplash
Understand your trigger levels .Figure out what makes your anxiety worse. This is entirely individualistic. You have to find your way yourself.
For some people eating unhealthy food and not exercising can increase their problems. In this case, consult a health coach.
Few people in your family and community might not have been good for your mental peace in the past. Don’t hang around with these people and avoid them. Slowly cut down these people from your intimate circle. Be around such people who are positive, open, growth-orientated.
3. Over thinking is your enemy
Thinking brings creativity to your life but overthinking confuses you. Overthinking arbitrates the sequence of our thoughts. Eventually, You will lose the idea and your brain will go off on so many tangents that defeated the whole purpose of thinking. Overthinking can deteriorate your gratitude and losing gratitude in your life is equal to less happiness. science has backed this that just being grateful for what you have can increase your happiness up to 25%.
In the nutshell
If you are feeling overwhelmed with your emotion and becoming sensitive to everything. Seek help. Share your feelings with your loved ones. if not possible. Go for professional help.it will help in improving you mental health largely.