How to write Scroll-Stopping Headlines

Kanza Khalid
4 min readJun 13, 2022


Your Headline is going to decide if they're gonna leave or stay!!!

Photo by Aidan Bartos on Unsplash

Hello!!! Hello!! Fellow writers, We are living in the era of a short attention span. Due to the extensive use of technology and social media. We cannot focus on one thing for long.

As online writers, it’s our job to change random internet lurkers into dying heart fans of your brands. For that, you need to learn the art of writing scroll-stopping headlines.

It is a skill that you can master through practice. Let’s get into the gym and build your muscles.

“On average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you've written your headline, you’ve spent 80 cents of your dollar”~ David Ogilvy

Let’s get straight into the topic. Here are 5 ways to write scroll stopping headlines.

1. Use power words

Photo by Jess @ Harper Sunday on Unsplash

Powerful and punchy words are your best friend when it comes to writing the perfect headline. Power words are known to positively impact your reader’s psychology.

Power words are those that completely convey your message without even moving a bit. They are strong and impactful.

Search for power words on the internet. And you’ll get thousands of punchy words. You don’t need to remember everything, just make a list of the most functional words and keep it handy.

2. Use the Pain point of your target audience

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Yes, you must add power words to your headline. But that doesn’t mean your headline is only filled with fancy letters.

People don’t need your clever mind. Solve their problem. They want to know the answers to their question. They don’t care about your product or service. They are only concerned about themselves. Use ” YOU”.

3. Know your intention, while writing the piece

Photo by Arno Senoner on Unsplash

When you decide to write content. You must know your agenda behind it. Well, if you are writing to educate your audience. Your tone will be different.

If you want to make an offer. The whole process should be different.

If you’re only looking to build authority through your content. Your message should have different ingredients.

Always plan and curate your content accordingly.

4. Make it catchy & attention-grabbing

Photo by Jay Clark on Unsplash

Attention, please!! You must hook your readers. They don’t know who you are? What do you offer? What does your product look like?

At this stage, they are not even interested in knowing about these things.

But still, your job is to familiarize them with your brand, your work ethic, and who you are.

In all those challenges you can beat your competitors, by only grabbing your potential customer’s attention. So, write better headlines.

5. Choose clarity over smartness

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Modern readers are those people who are extremely busy.

You have to exactly tell your folks what they have to do. To earn their interest.

They don’t need your smartness or creativity. They just need something simple for them to understand. Not too complicated.

Never choose click baits and hype in your title. Avoid them as much as you can. They are not for you. period.

6. Don’t order your readers!

Photo by abolfazl shaker on Unsplash

You have to trigger interest in your reader’s mind by your headline precisely. You can tell them which action they should take but you cannot order them to do it.

“Just make your offer thrilling enough to catch the spotlight. Offer a benefit, hack their emotional state and they are yours”.

//Add your favorite tip or anything that you like to share in the comment section below. Looking forward to your response!!!!!

