How to Ooze ‘CONFIDENCE’ in your Personality

Kanza Khalid
5 min readJun 19, 2022


Confidence can change your life. Yes, it’s a big statement to make but you can do it.

Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

No matter what stage you are at, one thing that can help uplift your personality is Confidence. One of the basic things that need to be in place” is your ability to appear in front of people”.

How you present yourself and your ideas in front of people sets the tone of your life.

Confidence is not a quality that you have or don’t have. Rather it’s a skill anyone can acquire. Treat it like a muscle that you want to built-in.


Here are 9 easy ways to appear more confident and win the world.

1. Be unapologetic

Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

Yeah!! If you see the elephant in the room. Don’t fear introducing it. You can do it. When we don’t treat ourselves the way we deserve. That’s the real confidence buster.

Own yourself. If you have an issue. Give primacy as much as it requires. Don’t feel embraced about it and try to hide it unnecessarily. Own it!!!

2. We Don’t compare here

Photo by Viktor Talashuk on Unsplash

This is basic. But we have to get into it. There is no need to compare yourself to other people. Don’t make a fool out of yourself by thinking this is for inspiration.

“A flower does not think of competing to the flower next to it. It just blooms” ~ ZEN SHIN.

We all know the difference between admiration and comparison.

On social media, we see the final filtered product. That is not the case in real life. Don’t even think that you are not like them.

Seeing perfection on social media instills in you that you’re not good enough. You don’t have what it takes. So, stop scrolling. It’s better for you.

3. Be good to yourself

Photo by Omar Lopez on Unsplash

Oh, I see!! You’re not good with compliments and it’s harming your image in front of people.

Let’s ask ourselves why someone is not good with praise. Only when we think you’re not worthy of that applause.

Watch out!! Now accept your problem and come out of it. Start cheering yourself and be ok with your flaws.

4. Criticism and rejection

Photo by Jernej Graj on Unsplash

If you know how to deal with two things: Criticism and rejection; you’ve superpowers. You can surpass anything in life.

You need to be able to find the difference between authenticity and jealousy. Spot your well-wishers and never lose them. What about the haters? Who are they? You don’t know them. Period!!

5. Smile is your weapon

Photo by Amanda Sofia Pellenz on Unsplash

A smile releases happy hormones in your body and elevates your mood. It makes you appear easy-going, composed, and attractive.

Smile instantly earns the attention that you’re looking for.

Let’s suppose you have to choose one person out of the two:

One is a blank-faced person and the other one has a smile on their face. We got our answer. The smiling one. Plus point it’s also good for your health and nobody is charging you anything for it.

6. Slow down a bit

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

When we feel pressured. It is in human nature to behave weirdly. When you feel overwhelmed. It is essential to take a pause and slow down.

Scan your body movement and hand activity in your moment of anger and disagreement.

Slowing down your pace and taking pauses have proven to be helpful. It makes you appear more confident and in control.

7. Body language

Photo by Ray Hennessy on Unsplash

Your body language plays a huge role in how others perceive you as a person. Your looks and your way of talking have weightage. You can’t deny it.

Your body language speaks before you open your mouth. The way you stand, the way you sit, your way of talking, and the way you hold conversations come down to your body language.

Your posture is a valuable one. Keeping your head high and your shoulders wide make you appear more confident. Close body language is a complete turn-off.

8. Beat the feeling

Photo by Samet Kurtkus on Unsplash

There are two levels of confidence:

  1. You feel it but you don’t appear confident to people.

2. You don’t feel confident but you know how to make the other feel that you’re certain.

Feeling confident is important but if you don’t look confident. People will not see you as one. It’ll ruin your reputation.

In certain situations, we don’t feel our best but still, we have to present ourselves in the best possible way.

People can only see your attitude, they don’t see what you feel on the inside.

9. Let’s practice

Photo by Miguel Martins on Unsplash

A big part of your confidence comes from practice and knowing that you can pull it off.

Make a list of things that you want to nail this year. Then, write why you want to do them and how you’ll do them. Now, You have the exact roadmap that you want to follow.

Let’s say you want to be a public speaker. Start talking in front of the mirror. Take part in speaking groups and clubs. Buy a course. Host a small event. You have to do it all and you’ll do it.


Photo by noelle on Unsplash

Confidence is not a one-time thing. It’s not about doing one RIGHT thing and you’ll be ok. It’s a lifelong journey. But a beautiful one.

Today, you feel insecure about a thing. Tomorrow you’ll be super comfortable about that same thing. But it’s up to you. Only you can change it.

