How to 10× the abilities of your child- and never be worried about his future again
Successful grown-ups are the dream of every parent.
The way you can transform the life and thinking of your kid. NO human on earth can do it. No school, no teacher, no mentor can do this for your child. believe me
Note : “Speak with your children as if they are the wisest, kindest, most beautiful humans on earth, for what they believe in what they will become”~ Brooke Hampton
1. Real vs Reel
We are living in the era of virtual meetups and zoom calls. Childhood is a mandatory part of personality development. If your child is always on the phone and seems to enjoy facetime more than face to face conversations. Red flag!!! It’s time to take a step back and Restrict the screen timing.
Show your kids the importance and benefits of having one on one conversations.
2. They say, “Cheers with Me”
Being grateful for the things that you have in your life is called “cheering up”. When you celebrate your child’s little win and make them speak the language of belief, love, and gratitude.
Kids are quick learners. They can absorb patterns more than your imagination. They learn from you. They observe you from day to night and follow your pattern. Be a good example.
“Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them.”~ ‘James Baldwin’
3. Make them learn the power of initialization
Show and tell them the power of initiation. It’s about taking the first step. Whether you have to present a new idea in a meeting, or raise a point that no one is confident to speak about.
It’s good for growing kids to follow rules and schedules But every once in a while tell and confide in your child that it’s ok to follow your path.
It’s preferred to follow your intuition/gut.
4. Just do your own thing
Teach your kid that it’s ok to be alone and that you don’t need to be around people all the time. Teach them to embrace loneliness.
Tell them the importance of having a quiet moment and not doing anything at that time. Being busy and hustling all the time is not productive at all. It’ll suck the creative mind of a child.
Try to arrange a silent hour time at home every week. where you only treat yourself: You can write journal, read your favorite book, or just sit with your thoughts.
5. Bonding with Laughter
Smiling, giggling, and a happy face are lifesavers. Learning to stretch the smile muscle is the best for your child.
Confess your trigger points in front of your child and ask them about their pet peeves and what is the best way to deal with them. This is called raising a smart kid.
Train your kids to avoid bad posture, fidgeting, and slouching.
6. Teach them the learning patterns
Make your child learn the patterns. Instead of cramming and mugging up, try to help them understand the designs.
Tell them to always choose the right pattern over the easy one. May be easy road can be right road but always choose the right thing in life.
Introduce your kids to the innate ability of “Choice”.
wrapping up
Don’t impose anything on your child. Set them free. Give them wings. Let them fly!!! Don’t try to do everything for your kid. Let them take decisions and make them responsible.